Deena Wassenberg
Office Address

3-154 Molecular and Cellular Biology
515 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States



Teaching Professor; Associate Head, Department of Biology Teaching & Learning
Biology Teaching and Learning

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Research statement

I am interested in how students learn, what facilitates learning, and what prevents learning. One topic of interest to me is how students deal with topics that are scientifically straightforward, but publicly controversial. I am interested in how we as educators can teach students to let data drive their understanding of scientific topics such as evolution, anthropogenic climate change, sexual health, and the impact of vaccines on public health. I am interested in studying how we can better teach students to use scientific skills when addressing these topics of public controversy.

Selected publications

Wassenberg, D, Walker, JD, Binkowski, K, Peterson, E (2022). First do no harm: Computer-based in-class exams do not disadvantage students. Journal of College Science Teaching, 51(6).

Hebert, S, Blum, JE, Wassenberg, D, Marks, D, Barry, K, Cotner, S (2021). Open-inquiry vs. broadly relevant short-term research experiences for non-biology majors. American Society for Microbiology 22(1).

Palmer, MS, Willis, C, Barry, K, Packer, C, Moe, A, Wassenberg, D (2020). Exploring Species Interactions with "Snapshot Serengeti". Course Source. Online textbook.

Cotner and Wassenberg, The Evolution and Biology of Sex. Available through the University of Minnesota Affordable Content Partnership.

Walker, JD, Wassenberg, D, *Franta, G, Cotner, S. (2017). What Determines Student Acceptance of Politically Controversial Scientific Topics? Journal of College Science Teaching 47(2):45-56.

Williams, M, *Barry, K, and Wassenberg, D (2015). Air Quality Data Mining: Mining the US EPA AirData website for student-led evaluation of air quality issues. Course Source (peer reviewed, online resource)

*Kudrna, J, Shore, M and Wassenberg, D (2015). The Role of Need for Cognition (NFC) in Introductory Biology Students’ Acceptance of Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC) and Evolution. The American Biology Teacher 77(4): 250-257.

Kudrna, J.*, Shore, M. and D. Wassenberg. (accepted with revisions) The Role of Need for Cognition (NFC) in Introductory Biology Students’ Acceptance of Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC) and Evolution.

Brooker, R., D. Matthes, R. Wright, D. Wassenberg, S. Wick, and B. Couch. (2013) SCALE-UP in a Large Introductory Biology Course. In, Connected Science: Strategies for Integrative Learning in College, T. Ferrett, J. Stewart and W. Schlegel, eds. Indiana University Press (part of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning series). Due for publication in May, 2013.

Alexeyenko A, Wassenberg DM, Lobenhofer, EK, Yen J, Sonnhammer ELL, Linney E, Meyer JN. (2010). Dynamic zebrafish interactome reveals transcriptional mechanisms of dioxin toxicity. PLoS One 5(5) e10465.

Billiard SM, Meyer JN, Wassenberg DM, Hodson, PV, Di Giulio, RT. (2008). Non-additive effects of PAHs on early vertebrate development: mechanisms and implications for risk assessment. Toxicological Sciences 105(1):5-23.

Wassenberg, D.M., Nerlinger, A.L.*, Battle, L.P. and Di Giulio, R.T. (2005). Effects of the PAH-heterocycles, carbazole and dibenzothiophene, on in vivo and in vitro CYP1A activity and PAH-derived embryotoxicity. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(10), 2526-2532.

Wassenberg, D.M. and Di Giulio, R.T. (2004) Synergistic embryotoxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists with cytochrome P4501A inhibitors in Fundulus heteroclitus. Environmental Health Perspectives 112(17), 1658-1664.

Wassenberg, D.M. and Di Giulio, R.T. (2004). Teratogenesis in Fundulus heteroclitus embryos exposed to a creosote-contaminated sediment extract and CYP1A inhibitors. Marine Environmental Research 58, 163-168.

Meyer, J. N., Wassenberg, D. M., Karchner, S. I., Hahn, M. E. and Di Giulio, R.T. (2003). Expression and inducibility of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) pathway genes in populations of killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) that differ in PAH-exposure history. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22, 2337-2343.

Wassenberg, D.M., Swails, E. E.* and Di Giulio, R. T. (2002). Effects of single and combined exposures to benzo(a)pyrene and 3,3’4,4’5-pentachlorobiphenyl on EROD activity and development in Fundulus heteroclitus. Marine Environmental Research 54, 279-283.

Willett, K. L., Wassenberg, D. M., Lienesch, L., Reichert, W. and Di Giulio, R. T. (2001). In vivo and in vitro inhibition of CYP1A-dependent activity in Fundulus heteroclitus by the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon fluoranthene. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 177, 264-271.

* Denotes undergraduate researchers

Education and background

Degrees earned

  • PhD Environmental Toxicology; Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment; Richard Di Giulio Adviser
  • BS Zoology and Biological Aspects of Conservation; University of Wisconsin-Madison