
Playing to win

CBS alum Carol Pletcher wants to give graduate students the support they need to be competitive.

The Summer of ’65

An Itasca love story — part 1 and 2.

Mind and matter

Jocelyn Ricard investigates the impact of inequity on the brain and points out systemic issues.

Peer mentors to life partners

Nature of Life brought Emily Ellingson and Nate Fremling together.

Darwin’s imperiled finches

A CBS alum researches an invasive parasite afflicting rare and threatened birds in the Galápagos.

Wild at Heart

Arduous hikes and relentless bug attacks are all in a day’s work for CBS alum Maddy Jackson.

The science of managing scientists

CBS alumna Courtney Coombes works to advance research efforts through administrative work.

Determination and education prove unstoppable

CBS alumna Abygail Andebrhan makes lasting impact after graduating.

A CBS standout

Alum Cheryl Quinn received one of the University’s top honors in recognition of her many contributions both professionally and personally.

Future focused

CBS alum Azion White has turned his passion for bioengineering into a promising startup career.