Graduate students

The dark side of colored nectars

Evin Magner analyzes the black nectar of Melianthus minor.

What dead fungi can teach us about life

Postdoctoral researcher Katilyn Beidler investigates the role of fungal necromass in carbon cycling.

Fashion and fact

Coral reef ecology and high fashion converge for EEB doctoral student Rachael Kaspar.

Science and the Cities

A look at work in progress at one of the only urban long-term ecological research programs in the country.

Of prairies and pollinators

Maggie Anderson investigates how human activity affects pollinator resources.

Life in the uncharted waters of Greenland's glacial melt

Christopher Hansen shares a few takeaways from his time studying microbes in Greenland’s glacial environments.

Building connections between cultures

PMB graduate student Ariadna Mondragón Botero recognized for outstanding contributions to international education

MCDB&G graduate student award winners announced

Students recognized for their work in the lab and classroom.

At the intersection of art and science

Ph.D. student Maria Park’s fascination with the living world informed her science and inspired her creative endeavors.

A scicomm ecosystem takes shape

From writing courses and coaching to opportunities to publish their work, students in CBS and beyond are benefitting from offerings designed to help them build their skills as communicators.